SCCC Bathgate

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SCCC Bathgate
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:15:44 PM »
Just want to say another huge thank you to the organisers, fantastic event.  Big Eck, Sharon, Timekeepers and all the Marshalls.  I had a fantastic 2 days!!  A few bruises from a few of the big holes that jumped out of no-where!!  Also thanks to Allan for allowing me to drive the majority of the laps !  Although next time he 'advises' to stay further left in the mud hole I will just ignore him so I don't get stuck!!

And the sun even shone  8)

Thanks again and looking forward to the next one in September :-)




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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 11:38:29 PM »
what a fantastic weekend that was huge thank you to every one involved great company and very well ran superb course although it has taken its tole on me and the car

big thank you to eck and sharon for setting up and running the event without them the event wouldn't have happened role on drumclog


Team Wasp

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 05:52:01 PM »
It has already all been said but I would also like to thank Eck, Sharon, Jools and all the people who gave up significant and considerable time to make the event one of the best yet.  I would also like the thank the club for paying Brian Reid the landowner the fair weather supplement as the sunshine was welcomed by all.

From our point of view it has taken 5 years to get a finish at this event.  And if it wasn't for the gentleman Colin Stevenson welding our car back together we definitely would not have finished this year either.  Very gracious of him to do so in the circumstances.  No-one wants to benefit from others misfortune but that is racing.  Very disappointing to see Colins immaculately prepared car come to grief for the first time in ten years or so.  It was obviously Aileens fault as it rolled on her side first but I am glad neither of them were hurt.  For those who witnessed it or saw the youtube it was a significant roll and shows how strong the Simmbughinnis are.  Glad that I could take Colins mind off his sore neck etc by giving him a welding job just minutes after his own disaster.

We had a great weekend and enjoyed the format.  I enjoyed the dusk racing, especially before I had to switch the lights on....

What are peoples thoughts on a 11am to 3pm and 6pm to 9pm arrangement in the future?  That gives everyone an earlier finish and time to chat or fettle the cars as appropriate.  Or just 12pm to 7pm?

A big thank you to my team, Malcolm and Patrick for keeping the car going.  I have to say they had an easy time as they only had to fill the fuel and the water, clean the windows, change the plugs, change the coil pack, change a wheel, change the fuel pump, change the air filter, remove and clean the crankshaft sensor, empty the swearbox, repair the faulty wiring on the washers and wipers and assist with the weld to the back axle kindly and ably performed by Colin.  Thanks guys.




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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 07:20:34 PM »
Well another event down and another pile of broken bits in the garage but hey what a way to break them!

The rain was stopped at 10 am on the Saturday and was not allowed to start until the gate was pulled closed on the Sunday! The timing was simply impeccable but that summed up the entire weekend. As a participant (allegedly), behind the wheel it was eye opening to have witnessed the sheer volume of work that goes into making these events happen. The course was cited a few weeks back and the first peg was bashed in on Monday morning, yup a full week ago. I now feel guilty every time I hit an arrow cause I know now that the Comp Safari Pixies had no hand whatsoever in planting it there. Nope, they were all carefully planned, seperately considered and then bashed in. Some were pulled out and moved to get a better course and having driven it. I must say, it was the dogs doo dah’s!

Big Eck, Sharon, Dougie T, Jools and Brian Reid the ever obliging landowner were often there in the pitch black last week bashing, building and shovelling. Eck was even heard shouting “Where’s the whip, I need some pain?!”, although it was dark and I may have misheard it…… Land Rover Club you say???

A few other thank you’s from me over the weekend….

For the timing and radio teams, I did spot a few new younger faces in the club trailer either that or DB’s efforts to install new illumination have knocked a few years off the regulars? To the marshalls around the course who day and night kept us or perhaps just me going round. Despite the fleeting glance we see of you all on the way, it’s great to see the encouragement and the keep it going gestures,  we do see you. (Hope the wedding goes equally well).

To the scrutineers, you are there for our safety and those second set of eyes, pick up on the things that we missed or overseen often in the late hours prior to an event.

There will be so many that I have not listed above but your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Finally, thanks again to my fellow diesel competitors, for Robert for blowing the head gasket on his racer and donating his pushrods and for Mr Cool, aka Alan Crow, who despite Car 14’s willingness to go for an early bath, kept it going.

Hope you all had a safe journey home, some had much further than me to travel.

So as I was nodding off last night, a phrase seemed to sum it all up “Never in a comp safari was so much owed by so many to so few”.

Thank you again, hopefully to see you all at Drumclog.

Ps – And a special mention to Zander, two soddin years I’ve waited and finally, at last I got to overtake someone!! The crowd were going wild and then I heard you only had two wheel drive, burrger!! Oh well, in my little world I got to pass someone



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 10:05:08 PM »
Well it was my first time as Clerk of the Course and I have to be honest it definitely won't be my last! Even though it was stressful at times, I actually rather enjoyed it! But that would have not been possible without the help and support of the Marshals, Competitiors, Landowner and the service crews!

First on the list of thanks, Alec McCormack (aka Big Eck). He is an absolute legend! We began setting up Bathgate Comp on Monday morning, with me be unable to drive. Eck done all the hard graft, I simply read the map, took in the views and handed out the orders! Over the duration of the weekend Eck kept things running smoothly out on the stage! THANK YOU ECK!

Next up, Brian Carlin and David Bartlett for getting the electrics and lights fitted to the new Club Trailer. It certainly made Michelle Stevenson and crew happy on Saturday Night!

To Jools Spicer,  thank you for bringing your digger along but your lap times weren't that impressive, could I suggest you tweak the diesel pump. Since as they say no smoke, no poke!!

To all the Marshals who came along, we hope you likewise enjoyed the event.

And last but not least to the Big Man upstairs for arranging the weather.

It makes the hard work worthwhile when it all runs to plan and the service area is full of happy faces. See you all at Drumclog. So let me have a response as to who will be attending. Drop me a PM on the forum.

Thank you,





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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 10:54:51 PM »
......and I'll say it again. Many thanks to Sharon, Eck, timekeepers, marshalls and anyone else involved for all the hard work, time and effort you have put into staging an outstanding event. We all had a brilliant weekend, while the racing was excellent it was also a great social event for organisers, competitors and spectators alike. (even the local constabulary joined in)

Regarding format I am quite relaxed about whatever we do. Both of Brians suggestions sound fine. Night racing is fun but not everyones cup of tea, more importantly it puts significant pressure on the organisers and entirely depandant on good numbers of marshalls. Some aspects of motorsport are experiencing dwindling entries and struggling for the essential volunteer support we require so the priority should be to secure enough support to run our events and base the format on that. Obviously this is my view as a competitor, what is the preferred format for the organisers /marshalls? Whatever the future holds we need to make sure there is at least 3 acres of service area for Chris, Charlie, myself and our growing entourage together with the big top circus tent!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all who helped keep me and car 7 going for the weekend.

See you at Drumclog


Land Rogie

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  • Name: Eileen Knight
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 11:56:12 PM »
Absolutely top weekend..big thumbs up to all the organisers and great job Sharon as debut clerk of the course :)  Thanks to both Colin and Mark who gave me my first experience of Comp Safari racing..I hope team Stevenson and Simbug are back on track soon after our wee downhill adventure  :o
Note to self before Drumclog..must improve on the camping facilities..I'd sooner shoot myself in the foot than sleep on that mat thing another night!!! The dog had a better nights sleep!! Many thanks to Pauline for my wonderful cooked breakfast...what a treat!!!

see you all at Drumclog...


northern focker

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 09:01:03 PM »
A top class weekend and again many thanks to Sharon,Eck and everyone who was involved but  I think it is also
time we as drivers try and help a little more ,like collecting in the coarse etc but also try to encourage some of these
drivers with cars to take part ,I know I have not been to all the events but thats because my car is crap. But there is one or two who just need a little arm twisting or help to get them out there because after all the hardwork done organising an event like this 12 cars was a little disappointing  :-[ If anyone has any ideas how to pull in more cars lets
hear them. ;D



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 10:17:12 PM »
A top class weekend and again many thanks to Sharon,Eck and everyone who was involved but  I think it is also
time we as drivers try and help a little more ,like collecting in the coarse etc but also try to encourage some of these
drivers with cars to take part ,I know I have not been to all the events but thats because my car is crap. But there is one or two who just need a little arm twisting or help to get them out there because after all the hardwork done organising an event like this 12 cars was a little disappointing  :-[ If anyone has any ideas how to pull in more cars lets
hear them. ;D

I will be a regular for next year, finishing the tomcat build at present, might even make the last event of this year



Pilot Custard

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  • Name: Ian Stuart
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2012, 09:19:53 PM »
If anyone has any ideas how to pull in more cars lets hear them. ;D

This is a big and complex problem.....

Some drivers want to go faster - but anything over an average speed of 30mph needs a pile of extra people & kit - to the tune of over a grand for the weekend.... and that puts the entry fee up (which some people say is too high anyway)

Some people have also voiced the observation that, arriving with their third-hand racer, operating on begged & borrowed second-hand parts, and raiding the holiday-fund for fuel-money, the sight of expensive motors and extensive spares piles makes them wonder if they're out their depth.

.... you will notice that many of the more local (scottish) middle-tier competitors are missing this year - both of the above have been cited as reasons.

Finally - we also need to consider the people who make the events happen: every single marshal out on the hill has chosen to spend their money (and their weekend) watching other people have fun.... and that cost is getting higher & higher: fuel; food; accommodation (how many tents do you see these days?)
We need both competitors and marshals (and time-keepers, and results people, and "senior" officials) to make the events run...

There are no easy answers... and which ever way you move, you will upset someone.


northern focker

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2012, 10:16:35 PM »
Some people have also voiced the observation that, arriving with their third-hand racer, operating on begged & borrowed second-hand parts, and raiding the holiday-fund for fuel-money, the sight of expensive motors and extensive spares piles makes them wonder if they're out their depth.

Regarding this quote I think this is the same in all motor sport but I think it has been proven quite a few times that a big
budget does not mean success and there is no reason why  we could not have different categories if there was enough cars,
what we need is people with these concerns to talk to us there is a solution for most problems .As for speeds there are easy ways to slow down lap times in the lay out of the track without upsetting people. ;)



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2012, 10:21:32 PM »
Expensive motors and piles of spares don't mean you're going to win the event as I think the results will show for each round so far this season!!! I think which ever way you look at it, it boils down to the fact that people just don't have enough spare cash to get out as often as they would like.  :-\
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 10:25:57 PM by Robert »



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2012, 08:59:51 AM »
I suspect we will be unable to solve the financial ails that blight our planet at this current point in time but lets not forget that those who have due to one reason or another have been unable to attend the last couple of events have really missed out!

As a relative newcomer to the sport, I suspect I can genuinely comment on my reception to the world of Comp Safari's. I have never felt unwelcome or out of my depth, despite having driven the racer to my first event with an extensive spares package consisting of one tyre and a bicycle pump!! The advice, offers of assistance and spare parts have been relentless. Where in any other sport, particularly motorsport do other competitors help one another as frequently as goes on? We have a fantastic series here, the posts above echo that. I for one am counting the days till our next event.

Yes, new cars with disc brakes and coil suspension have turned up over the years in the shift from leafs, we can't prevent progression. These may be faster but that doesn't ensure a win. To win you need to finish and that requires a liberal dash of speed, power with equal measures of reliablity and skill. I'm not sure that I have any of them but I simply enjoy taking part, are there points for having a yellow car with artistic impression?

As for the speeds, the course designers are fully aware of the faster cars potential and are implementing more frequent technical sections, which everyone loved. They have by their inclusion, added another dimension to the events and have indeed succeeded in reducing the average speeds to comply with the sports requirements.

Whilst it is recognised that there are issues generally revolving around finances, these should in no way detract from the efforts of those who do continue to cut their cloth in order to participate, in whatever form.

All I can say is thank you all once again, see you all at Drumclog.  :)



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2012, 09:34:10 PM »
I think the 2 day comps put some people off and it would be better if there is more info on the 'sunday cup'


Pilot Custard

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  • Name: Ian Stuart
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2012, 06:28:39 AM »
it would be better if there is more info on the 'sunday cup'
Turn up, do all the usual scrutineering & signing on, pay your 45 quid...... go racing.

What else do you need ;-)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 06:30:13 AM by Pilot Custard »