Car shows?

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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2013, 11:26:09 PM »
So what is wrong with just being a member, if all members were to have input in running the club and events ,nothing would get done ...

Eh ?  That's a long way from the idea that people should suggest new ideas if they want something different and that a few more folk getting involved would make life easier. At the moment the Club has, I believe, about the highest membership ever. The question is how do we build on that and what do people want to get out of the club? If all you want is a warm cosy feeling, a newsletter, membership card and a Website that's fine, easy to achieve. There was a suggestion that people wanted some event - unspecified - but less competition orientated - or was I just reading that wrong ? 
If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....


Dave T

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2013, 06:56:07 AM »
Are the 400 plus members unhappy? I don't see the commitee leaning towards comp safaris. If anything the work done towards expanding GRR or gaining access to new  site's has been excellent.
This is not a  business and I personally think the commitee should be congratulated for putting in their free time for the members.......and this is still after I was asboed for my non LR ;)
You get out of the club what you are willing to put in.

Totally agree, even if you do have a Toyota, better than a Jeep I suppose. I'm almost finding there is too much going on, could do with a weekend off now and then! ;)

I think its a good mix now, if anyone wants anything different then at least suggest what they want rather than complain about it not happening. I'm really not sure what point KonZektt is trying to make?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 07:03:59 AM by Dave T »
1994 Defender 90
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  • Name: Graeme Sherman
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2013, 07:52:44 AM »
Gene you are taking that quote out of context  better 10 people running something than 100 all wanting there own input and getting no achievement.
Age must be getting the better of me i was under the impression at one time the club had 600+ members .
The original poster asked if there was interest in show and shine ,i pointed out it had been tried before.
At least dave t does agree that there may be to much going on and that was one of the points i was trying to make.
regards kz
ps no point in asking for input and opinions if it going to be lambasted.


Dave T

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2013, 11:40:56 AM »
Sorry you misunderstood me. I want to go to everything that interests me, not everyone can make every event due to other commitments so if there was less then people would get to less, surely not the point

You still don't say what you would like to see the club do?
1994 Defender 90
2016 D4 Graphite



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  • Name: Graeme Sherman
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2013, 01:53:46 PM »
well dave i have done rtvs a season of ccv nearly bought two 90,s for safari,s (totally different vehicles) and done one of sandys green road runs a long time ago and no intention of every being on another and some tyros and some show and shine(alex and jackie going round the parade ring of mellerstain sitting on deck chairs on the roof of a landie) and mudmaster as well .I think a good covering dont you.
But then i go back to the era of mad tam murry stevie stewart(rip) and they allowed a blazer to compete at that time.
That is why i said it  is for the committee to guide the members so what if they get  it wrong and nobody turns up they cannot expect to be 100%correct all the time or do they want the ordinary member to be the one that they point the finger at when there is no interest
regards kz


Dave T

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2013, 04:00:30 PM »
So we, the normal members, just sit back and let the committee do everything, hope they like something we do, all we do is turn up, and if nobody goes it is the committees fault? That is how I read what you just said, is that right? If it is then I don't think you will find many on here that would agree with you.

As has been said before you get out what you put in, I go to a lot of different events, helping and participating, have an absolute whale of a time and think it is one of the best clubs I have ever been a member of, regardless of the activity.

I for one say a huge thanks to all those that organise, help out and participate, that is what makes the club so good, without any one of those three it would be far worse.
1994 Defender 90
2016 D4 Graphite



Re: Car shows?
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2013, 04:24:34 PM »
Hi as a newbie I like to say I have great interest in what people do landrover wise plus similar as its a great way of getting info and a way to get to know peps my interest has begun and joining here was a must to get helpfull help and provide the same and now as I have read this three I now know and quote
There are a few of us that frequent here and that do pub meets, every 6 weeks, all landies welcome, next one is Monday 9th September at the black bear beefeater at uddingston (m73/m74 junction) at 7.

We have just started alternating between here and the Livingston beefeater.

Which I didn't know about before so will start attending whenever I can which I think most people do no matter of there interest if people wish a pub meet near them then why not post it and see who would come and organise it I'm sure the c,mm would if there able support these and attend if it allows as I see it once up and running idears come flowing in and the elected comm deal with these as they get them remeber there not mind readers and can only act on info from members as they get it and any planned event is a open one so like me if I can afford or it conveant for me I will attend like most members will, not everyone has the ability and maybe even car sharing could be something to help costs if people find it too dear to attend with there own vehicles??? Anyway I can talk for Scotland and can go off on a totally different direction so I will shut up now



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2013, 10:44:31 PM »
done one of sandys green road runs a long time ago and no intention of every being on another

Not a problem Graeme, Sandy stomped off in a huff a while back and now runs rolling road-blocks under his own steam. We try to run our GRR a bit differently, if the ground allows.

Here is Dave doing a bit of trail-blazing on one of ours earlier this year....

If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....



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  • Name: jonathan mcghee
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2013, 09:14:26 AM »
Hi all,
Newbee here to. Just to throw something else into the cooking pot what about an annual event/weekend?
300tdi disco 3 door


Big Rich

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2013, 08:21:56 PM »
I took my series 3 to the classic car show at Bridge of Allan this year.  Total turn out of Landies was 1 series 3, 1 2a and a range rover classic so maybe there isnt that much interest in the land rover fraternity for this sort of thing.  Did manage to recover a transit van pulling a trailer with another van on it form the field as well so that made my day.




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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2013, 10:00:45 PM »
Theres a couple of Classic Car clubs come out to the Lade Inn quite regularly, so I give 'em a wave from the 2A. Not a flicker. Obviously not enough polish....

 Well, none actually..., still finding places full of mud after this ...

If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....


Pilot Custard

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2013, 09:40:13 AM »
Newbee here to. Just to throw something else into the cooking pot what about an annual event/weekend?
We have plenty of events that happen over a whole weekend - what sort of thing would you like to do at this event?
If I can point you at something that's already happening which is suitable, everyone's a winner :)


Pilot Custard

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Re: Car shows?
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2013, 10:05:11 AM »
The original poster asked if there was interest in show and shine ,i pointed out it had been tried before.
At least dave t does agree that there may be to much going on and that was one of the points i was trying to make.

ps no point in asking for input and opinions if it going to be lambasted.

Yes - I remember the original Chris Stearn shows too.... I drove a brand-new freelander [R reg - the year they came out!] at Mellerstane, I also took my 109 to a few shows. When Chris moved on, the clubs attendance at shows died away.

I raised the question for two reasons:
1) There may be people out there who would like to go to car shows, but want someone to organise them
2) There may be someone out there who want to organise stuff, but doesn't know how to start

I organised a stand at the Knockhill Car Show back in 2011 - they specifically wanted "fast and loud" (and they had one comment at the end of the event: can we take the silencers off next time?) [OK, technically it was SHRC that was asked, but I pulled SLROC in too.)

I'm not sure that a club as wide and diverse as the SLROC can have too many events.... well, I can - but that's the balance between the cost of putting on an event and the return from people partaking in that event: a pub-meet every weekend is fine - I just wouldn't expect to see the same faces every week!
I also don't see a problem with some events clashing: very few of the GRR crowd are interested in Comps (or "Scaletrix" as Gene calls it). We put two different types of Trial on on the same day (at the same site) with little issues.
Why not a Classic Car Show and a Green Road Run at the same time?

Finally, I'm sorry if you think you get lambasted for asking for input or opinions.... as the Original Poster, that's exactly what I did - asked for input and opinion. Whilst the conversation has veered off my original topic, I'm hoping that some people are finding something useful in it. I certainly don't think I've been lambasted :chuckle:

(BTW: I have organisied three different events that are not the usual fair for this club: I did enduros; the Scottish Skirmish, and rescued Comps by getting the SCCC started to cover them - You don't need to be a committee member to have idea, or to run events..... you just need to get their blessing to run events under the SLROC banner.)


Pilot Custard

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  • Name: Ian Stuart
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2013, 10:08:24 AM »
I took my series 3 to the classic car show at Bridge of Allan this year.  Total turn out of Landies was 1 series 3, 1 2a and a range rover classic

If you don't mind me asking - why did you go? - Was it a self-organised thing or a group of you?
Would being part of a bigger group been better or make it easier... or worse?

Do you plan to go to any more? Would you be more likely to go is someone else did all the organising and got a space together?



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Car shows?
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2013, 02:08:24 PM »
I don't think we have too many events either - for most types we have 6 a year. If you are only interested in one type of event thats probably quite thin, maybe even too few ?  The issue is who organises them, who runs them and the various "overlaps". As an example we've had the Tyros being organised by people who were giving up their opportunity to compete in RTVs because they were both held on the same day and so on. Its already been noted that its the same few people doing a lot of the heavy lifting, so they end up helping out weekend after weekend. Note that if the same people are being called upon time after time we run a number of risks - people getting burnt out, the temptation to "just repeat last year" etc.   

Some events only need an organiser to set them up and a small amount of help "on the day" to run. GRR would fit that category, attendence at shows too probably. Competitive stuff still only needs a single organiser but they need a lot more help with setting up and actually running the event - even a Tyro needs several "officials" to run properly, let alone more complex operations with marshalling, recovery and medical cover required. ....and the portaloos and a burger van.... Ideally we should have an agreed "team" responsible for each event on the calander, at the moment we have individuals responsible for a given type of event but a fair bit of "seeing who turns up" when it comes to the setting up and running side of life.   

So, my point is that we could actually do more and do new and different events - but only if more people are willing to help out and carry a bit of the load.

There is a Committee Meeting at Gorebridge on Weds. (In a Pub). Its a relatively informal and open session, new faces are more than welcome !   

If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....