Winch problem

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  • Posts: 54
  • Name: scott petrie
Winch problem
« on: June 06, 2013, 11:47:21 AM »
Hi all I've got a problem with my winch, 12v Superwinch the red ones you see in the SSE land rovers. 1 day I decided to pull a small tree out of my garden which it did no prob but then just as it came out the winch kept reeling itself in ( I was using 1of those cheap wireless controls ) so anyway I unplugged it and I'm now trying to fix it but now all it's doing is the solenoids are clicking when I press the button any idea????



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Re: Winch problem
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2013, 04:55:36 PM »
give colin , stage recovery a message, he will know