SCCC Bathgate

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2012, 12:34:46 PM »

I used 5 as an example, clearly it could 7 or 8 but that would rely on two things.

1. The length of the course ie Auchentorlie at 2 miles and Drumclog at 7 or 8 miles will dictate the number of laps.
2. We the competitors need to get there and get through scrutineering, drivers briefing and signing on etc in order the get the session underway and on time.



northern focker

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2012, 01:58:21 PM »
Hi guys, lets worry how we will do this when we find out how many people are going to commit to it
all we need at this moment is we are going to run a single day cup, we need to generate interest before we worry
about the rules, if there is not enough interest its pointless.



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  • Name: lee bartlett
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2012, 10:44:27 PM »
Well am coming to drumclog for the Sunday event so what's the agenda????
Mite be able to drum up other people if we know what's ment to happen????
Cross Country Motorsport



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2012, 11:00:44 PM »
speaking on behalf of the possi south of the border i would be very disappointed if the series turned to one day events as to make it worth are wile it really needs to be a 2 day event for how much extra it costs to do the extra days racing in fuel and entry fee its minimal compared to fuel costs getting there and general up keep of the cars.


northern focker

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2012, 11:19:03 PM »
know one is taking about scrapping the two day events just adding a single day event to run with it
as for the agenda lets get people there and ask them all what they want before one or two start making
the rules, lets just turn up  and race because at the of the day thats what its all about  :P


Pilot Custard

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  • Name: Ian Stuart
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2012, 06:49:08 AM »
Some thoughts on laps/distances.....

With 6 years & 40-odd events to base this on.... work on a comp driver doing about 35 miles in one day - be that 15 laps of a stage that's just over 2 miles, or 6 laps of a 6-miler.
The numbers change a wee bit for faster stages (Forrest has a significantly higher average speed, so you get more distance for your time.... ~40 miles per day, but for an event that is probably twice as expensive to run)

The other facet you need to take into account, when you want to have the course open from 9am until 9pm, is the marshals: they come down, at their own cost, spend their time on the hill (with nothing but what they have in the car with them), watching the drivers enjoying themselves. They are stuck there until the course closes.... so the longer you keep the course open, the longer they have to sit out there.
(and looking back, there ain't been many drivers sat out on the hill marshalling all day, these past 6 years)



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  • Name: mike robertson
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2012, 08:28:15 PM »
it would be better if there is more info on the 'sunday cup'
Turn up, do all the usual scrutineering & signing on, pay your 45 quid...... go racing.

What else do you need ;-)

When the event is put on the forthcoming events it should be stated that there is an option to only compete on  the Sunday. In my own opinion all the costs are getting higher and 2 day comps are no interest to me at the minute.
One thing i think would help Is shorter comps then you don't use as much fuel and the cars will have a higher chance of finishing the events

fit a diesel?



if you think comping with slroc is expensive try racing with the awdc which is really the only option down here,
£115 entry fee
approx 50 miles total ish
blue book tyres

& thats only one days racing,

although there are genenuinly fast cars competing with about 35 starters at most events
Started out with nothing,
Still have most of it left



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  • Name: lee bartlett
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2012, 01:34:26 AM »
Well mick (sooty)
we pay similar prices as you
And blue book tyres

So your not any more than us plus there is no other option to compete other than slroc(sccc) Sorc in scotland as we dominate the off road scene for comps up here
You have
Midland off road club
North Wales Landrover club
Wye and Welshlrc

All of which offer comps And what ever challenge clubs and events that you attend..
So ain't that bad for you

Ps well done in kov 2012
Cross Country Motorsport



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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2012, 08:49:04 AM »
For a one day entry on the SCCC is £45 so slightly cheaper than £115!



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  • Name: mike robertson
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2012, 02:25:24 PM »
Well mick (sooty)
we pay similar prices as you
And blue book tyres

So your not any more than us plus there is no other option to compete other than slroc(sccc) Sorc in scotland as we dominate the off road scene for comps up here
You have
Midland off road club
North Wales Landrover club
Wye and Welshlrc

All of which offer comps And what ever challenge clubs and events that you attend..
So ain't that bad for you

Ps well done in kov 2012

in all fairness lee,

the closest safari for me is at sweetlamb which is 100 miles (3 hours) or at brynnffon whish is also 100 miles away, all the above club events are at best 4/5 hours travelling to get there,

yeh ok i do winch challenges so i might be traveling to scotland/ devon but thats to compete at the top level events,easiest way is to compare it against the bccc etc with the required amount of prep & time spent before after the event,
a days racing just to do testing & shakedown is a days traveling & minimum £300,

i dont have a dog in this fight but the sccc seems to be as cheap as it comes, atleast there is proper offroad racing not all on cat 1 tracks,

i would have come to bathgate if i had a chance of some prior prep & had organised my schedule better,

Cheers lee, was a really good event, planning for KOV2013 already 8)
Started out with nothing,
Still have most of it left



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  • Name: Michelle Stevenson
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2012, 10:46:37 PM »
As one of the long distant competitors, it costs us on average £500 per event and anything between 400 – 600 miles “round trip” to attend meetings.  We prefer the two day events, more racing for our money and costs and a relatively peaceful night sleep in between.  Shorter courses do not really interest us as much as a longer course.  A 2 mile course isn’t worth getting the car prepared/ started up for. The vehicle needs a good run so I am in full support of longer laps, where possible.

Even though we prefer the 2 days events, It is difficult for Colin to get away from the workshop on a Friday, (that is when we have to leave!)  being as he works on his own and you can bet Friday will be a callout day or someone breaking down, therefore we do not usually get away from Kinlochewe until  8-9pm sometimes to the event (5-8 hrs), race, have that overnight nap, race  and drive back home again(5-8hrs)!  It is a very long weekend for us.  HOWEVER it is our choice to do this and believe it or not we do struggle ourselves, just as other do, financially,  to make it to an event sometimes!.... Why do we do it then?   Well we do it because  we enjoy the company and the craic of everyone,  there is a great bunch of guys and “ladies”  ;D  at these events, we want to support the SCCC and the clubs who run it, we want to support all the marshals who also come out to watch and help, we want to support the people that have spent the last week setting up a bloody good course for us all to play on, and finally we enjoy the opportunity to get our car out for a play...and a roll  ;)    I am certainly not complaining about the cost, I am merely explaining “our” costs for us to attend each event.

I agree It is very disappointing when we see now that the drivers who used to turn up to these events do not come along any more,  however in these difficult economic times, not everyone has the money to afford  these events, regardless of the cost being £5 , £45 or £90.  People are struggling and that is a fact right now.  I don’t think you will get the numbers this year, and perhaps next year may be more difficult for some.  Everyone is in the same boat, and we as a club will have to try and keep it going until others with less income are in a better place to come back and re-enter the racing again.

Regarding the Sunday runs, this information has been on the emails I have received since its inception, extract taken from round 3 email: : For all our two day events this season we are also offering a Sunday only entry for £45.00, your result won't count towards the Championship, but depending on the numbers at the end of the year there might be a prize for the "Sunday League"!it is included at the bottom of the weekend event information, and I understand it is a generic email that goes out to all the members who have ever attending any SCCC event?  The Club “have been” telling people about this new “Sunday” cup.   I also think it’s a great idea for our competitors to come out and play for a good days racing, and to have this opportunity at a slightly lesser cost. However regarding mileage, as I said before it needs to be worthwhile to even start up the car.

As to speed, yeah we have a bigger engine than some, but as David has already very clearly pointed out, this does not make a blind bit of difference; you just need to look back at the last 2 years championship tables, to see a wide number of different competitors’ vehicles take the top spot at any one event. Just look at my wee Irish friend Brian Hilditch :-* he has been so consistent for the past few years and he has progressed at every level.  Yeah he needs persuasion to go out in the dark, LOL     (love U Bri  :-* :-* :-* XX)    BUT this consistency has helped him get to where he is today, and if I’m not wrong he is not very far from the top of the championship table after his successful and consistent 5 years of racing.

 We enter to have fun and blow the cobwebs out of the engine from the previous event.  As it usually sits in the workshop till then! And it is the pure pleasure of taking part at these events, which makes all the travelling, costs, hardwork, sleepless nights, and bankruptcy worthwhile. If we wanted to go even faster, we would be supporting another club like the AWDC or BCCC, as we would have to travel anyway ....BUT.... We are dedicated to the clubs who organise the SCCC, and that is who we will continue to support as long as they keep going. 

Michelle Stevenson
 part time navigator to car 1 / almost full time timekeeper  :-\ :-\


Sandy M

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Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #41 on: September 05, 2012, 07:30:55 PM »
My tuppence worth, as an ex-competitor.  I enjoyed taking part in the comps 'purely for a larf', as work commitments meant I could not do enough events in any year to make a dent in the result tables.  Since my Mum wrote a letter to the teacher excusing me from gym classes in 2009  :(, The Flying Kettle has been parked up, gathering dust. 

If, and when it returns to the circuit I would happily enter the 'sunday league' as many times as work would allow but would leave the die hard, pot hunters to the two day events.  (Not that I am in any way jealous or resentful  :().     



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  • Name: Pauline Stevenson
Re: SCCC Bathgate
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2012, 03:38:19 PM »

  Regarding the super fast cars versus the more standard models.
  I do hope people aren't put off by the faster cars that come racing, but maybe it gives them something to aspire to? My brother hasn't always had a flash fast racer! He started out in a home built buggy and then a fairly standard Range Rover, we also raced an old Landie for a while which I drove! And whatever it was that we went racing with, it was all about taking part and having fun!
