Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?

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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2011, 10:41:13 AM »
Hilux as jon says. Gamekeepers here on the estate use them, I have had a good drive in one through the woods and they are awesome trucks! Definitely one for consideration if I ever ditch land rover!



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2011, 10:44:13 AM »
That top gear artic challenge was a great video thats a machine id love. The old one they destroy is awsome how tuff are hilux lol.
The same issue seems to pop up with the nissans and mistubishis engine issues kinda puts me right of them even if most are reliable.
110 is in the garage getting started lol i gave up trying see what the bill is and what my taxbill is in a  few weeks might be able to squeeze the bank a tad more.
Think just as noone seems to be saying much about them negativly the ford rangers look the best bet wee search online shows parts are reasonable and lots of breakers have them which is always good. Their a bit pricey the now though may have to wait a few months see if prices go down after the snow has gone.
Thanks for all the replys guys always worth asking.
Certanly considering a hilux though great trucks if i can find a good one in my price range otherwise it be a ranger.
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2011, 10:44:41 AM »
Hilux is what I would buy if I moved away from landrover too. Still like the ford tho.
my name, JON
disco 200 tdi,
disco 300 tdi
110 v8
3 x freelanders td4
1965 series 2a 109 crewcab.
series 3 on galvy chassis
disco 200 tdi,
disco 3.9 v8 lpg
disco 3,9. no lpg????

amature radio callsign MM6MIS



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2011, 05:16:26 PM »
TOP GEAR - I think it's was Brazillian rainforest. What a hoot!
Anyway they compare 3 4x4's Guess what the Land Rover came out tops.
Karis 110 - The perfect way to get a MTB to the top of the hill.
Power to the pedal!

Myrtle Air Portable - V8



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2011, 07:07:08 PM »
and good for toeing.

are you going to kick someones arse with it ;D ;D



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2011, 09:05:04 PM »
yea i gota say ad stick with  the landy,,  easy to work on for the home mechanic, parts are cheap enuff and thay aint changed the design in years for a reson,,,it works.

with a dbl cab  you will have less space in the back compared to say a hi-cap or a normal pickup if you did want the dbl cab  get a landy yin ;D

ive seen you  abuse  that landrover, no wonder shes giveing you grif lol give her some heart fealt love and atention and she will love ya back :o whack the tdi in it put the truck cab on it and yer got yerself a good landy for your gardening.

if i had to chose thou and all the landrovers in the world had been scraped ad have to go for a hilux for sure :)



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2011, 08:44:22 AM »
we have a ford ranger at work that doesn`t get worked hard at all just used as a car really and its had loads of probs.

my mate has his own company rent to kill style with hawks and the like,
 he got a ranger and hated it, gearbx blowing up was one highlight.



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2011, 11:29:53 AM »
OOo one bad vibe for the ranger thats still good and tbh gearboxes blowing up mainly down the the drivers most of the time lol.
Funds might be fooked all together now my a*** of an accountant done my tax retrun wrong and just called me this morning to explain.
After telling him to go himself had to call to the inland revenue to explain the situation they said we dont care your gona be fined unless we receive it by january 30th. Fking accountants. In the s*** now.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 05:10:44 PM by Admin »
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2011, 03:51:07 PM »
we have a ford ranger at work that doesn`t get worked hard at all just used as a car really and its had loads of probs.

my mate has his own company rent to kill style with hawks and the like,
 he got a ranger and hated it, gearbx blowing up was one highlight.

now theres a coincidence spaceman, im just back in the door from walking the dogs up on the moor and when walking back down near  the road there was a newish ranger stuck in the middle of it and by the looks and sounds o it he was haveing gearbox problems



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2011, 04:00:41 PM »
Thats a very tuff road to pass though man kin even the flat feilds either side are evry tuff to cross in a 4x4  :P hahahah naw i guess a ford weakpoint its its gearbox alot of the new transits ahev gearbox issues. See what my bill is for the 110 later today and somehow get the tax return done myself have time if online and what that charge is lol then see my penny count. I aint got enough really for private sales so looking into auction houses now. There a great big one is south wales and this weeks vehicles were very nice eg td5 90 went for 2650 inc vat that aint bad eh. The rangers there and nirvars etc about a grand cheaper than private with a 6 week warranty. Just need some work to come in now anyone want a pre season garden tidy?
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2011, 11:24:58 AM »
Not happy garage have managed to do nothing with the landrover. Had it booked in last friday they said bring in Monday had it there 8.30am.
Chao who usually helps had no idea it was coming in. So Wednesday no news call em up noone seems to know whats going on and get told yea its been started i said ill head down collect it. Guess what never started back up again was not even in the garage sitting ina cold carpark not ideal for a half frozen landy. So guy says come back tomorow call us befor you come down/ Thursday 4pmn i called. I got sorry been to busy to look at it. I said ok i need to know whens its gona be looked at as one of my main gardens is now dropping me come monday i already ahd 7 days grace with the owner. Garage guy said i did not realise is was urgent and u have ur other landrover. I explain my other landrover is not road legal now was about to MOY till this farse. No word friday at all so went down today to see whats going on.  Place is closed landy looks like its not moved at all. Why do garages act like this they wonder why most folk dont trust em at all. Its not like it was not booked in fuming worst part is i cant get the landy till monday now so another day lost due to them. Real abd communication real bad.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 12:34:51 PM by Admin »
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.



Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2011, 12:15:32 PM »
I feel a name and shame coming on!
 Not good at all mate :-[



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Re: Not a landrover but whats your opinions guys?
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2011, 01:18:19 PM »
ahh actually now i calmed down maybe i was a bit harsh. Its the wkend maybe it needed parts ill find out monday. Just a atd annoyed no phone call.
Otherwise a decent bunch of guys. Its more the reason to buy a work vehicle. Can probably wait till about march thats when most my work starts see what prices are like then.
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.