Drumclog 19th of december

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Dave T

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2010, 10:56:33 AM »
He isn't a member of SLROC, just someone else that was there.
This is also a pay and play site at your own risk, we did not go down there as we knew it was too much for our cars. You can also see that he was not going fast so speed was not an issue.
It was not on a green road run where you have to repect even the verges. If it were on a GRR then yes it would be a problem but it wasn't.

If you cannot go and play somewhere like this and do whatever each individual chooses to do then maybe we should all just sell up and live in cotton wool now. This guys judgement was maybe a little off, but I'm sorry just where is the problem?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 11:05:38 AM by Dave T »
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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2010, 11:37:42 AM »
if we all had the same oppinion we would all be married/cohabiting with the same woman  and driving the same car i am well aware of what the day was but sorry you say pay and play  what is the point of putting your life in danger as has been shown here  and on the other pay and play site in the east and the u tube vidieo on how not to drive offroad and be recovered sorry its only a matter of time before someone is killed or seriously injured
as a note to sandy i did not mention about your organised green road runs
this is a public open forum hosted by slroc depicting safe and organised offroad events


Dave T

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2010, 12:14:53 PM »
Pay and Play is a term used universally throughout the 4x4 motoring press including LRO and other respected Land Rover magazines, are they all wrong as well?

Yes this guy got it wrong, we were on the other side of the valley as we had made the correct decision not to go that way, should we have left him there? If you had watched the Safari Comp that was held in Drumclog then you would have seen potentially far more dangerous things happening at far higher speeds throughout much of the same terrain, it was absolutley brilliant, but that is ok?????

This is in the "non SLROC events" section and so is clearly not organised by SLROC, I think we just need to agree to differ, different types of event are liked by different people and as long as it is legal, not harming anyone else and not disrespectful of the land owners property then these things will happen and that is each individuals choice.
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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2010, 12:46:01 PM »
as to the comp safari that is the point of them with saftey. you should have been at gleniffer braes almost 25yrs ago with niel hoppkinson going end over end trying to get the fastest time .i never said they were wrong with pay and play it is that a lot of drivers  ignore the laws of phyics for every action there is a reaction and that tarnishes all the good points


Rab D

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2010, 12:50:38 PM »
drumclog should have one of these boards that building sites have how many safe days since the last accident or a rolling total of disasters i am a great fan of of road driving/rallying and speed but sorry you guys are taking motor vehicles back to the time when they crashed them with live drivers in them  dont think you are doing the slroc any good this time

iv'e sat & listend to this bull now i'll say my peace it's people like you that get places like drumclog shut down we built that offroader for that purpose knowing that we could roll at some point hence the roll cage.we were doing no one any harm but ourselves.a big thanks to dave & shug stuart & myself had a great day.



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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2010, 03:47:54 PM »
................as a note to sandy i did not mention about your organised green road runs
this is a public open forum hosted by slroc depicting safe and organised offroad events
Not too sure if you are an SLROC member or not, if this was controversial or contravening the ethics of the club it would have been shut down by Admin or moved to the members only area and if you are not a member then you would not see it.

So if you are a member then change your profile, if not then trust the memebrship to police our own public profile



Buffalo Bill

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2010, 10:49:02 PM »
Sorry i missed yet another weekend at drumclog due to technical probs. Couple of things to point out though.

Pay and play is down to the individual of how hard or light they want to play. As this vehicle was kittied out with roll cage etc no real harm was done. its the idiots that do this without a roll cage that are the problem, not the ones that come prepared !

Also this in no way is to be associated with the slroc although they have been kind enough to let the comunication be on the site that was as far as it goes, and negative coments help no one as we have a good admin team who dictate the rules.


Looks like a good day hope to be at the next one  ;D

Cheers Bill
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Dave T

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2010, 07:11:21 AM »
The guys from Argyle 4x4 (Argyle Forrest Drive) have an outing planned there on Wednesday 29th Dec, they are charging ?25 with ?5 going to charity,
1994 Defender 90
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Rab D

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2010, 10:58:14 AM »
The guys from Argyle 4x4 (Argyle Forrest Drive) have an outing planned there on Wednesday 29th Dec, they are charging ?25 with ?5 going to charity,

is it not scotland west all terrain club or is this the same dave.suppose to be a treasure hunt good luck in the snow  ;D
« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 11:01:11 AM by Rab D »


Dave T

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2010, 12:01:02 PM »
They have spoken with the Farmer, the place is big enough for everyone I would have thought. Will check though
1994 Defender 90
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Rab D

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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2010, 12:15:29 PM »
looks like both clubs on the 29th dec as you say dave big enough for everyone.



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Re: Drumclog 19th of december
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2010, 10:42:21 PM »
drumclog should have one of these boards that building sites have how many safe days since the last accident or a rolling total of disasters i am a great fan of of road driving/rallying and speed but sorry you guys are taking motor vehicles back to the time when they crashed them with live drivers in them  dont think you are doing the slroc any good this time

It's not a club event so I don't see your point?

What do you do, use your 4x4 as a Chelsea tractor?
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