Mudmaster 2010

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Mudmaster 2010
« on: October 24, 2010, 05:06:52 PM »
Thanks to Alex, Donald set up crews and Marshalls for the time and effort they all put into the event this year.  Our team were doing ok up to this morning but had to withdraw at the first site with a radius arm bracket that ripped off the axle.  I was hoping we'd improve on last year's position but it wasn't to be.

What amazed me was how much the sites we visited had changed from last year.  The orienteering doesn't get any easier.  It's just a pity more people couldn't join in the fun, but it was also good to see that some guys who couldn't compete this year, still participated by helping marshall.  The marshalls worked hard getting between sites in time, and everyone was fair and helpful.

I don't know the reason why there were fewer non army competitors, but they missed out on a good couple of days.  Perhaps some people were put off because of the low number of entrants so near the event, or perhaps the reduced number of sites made them feel it wasn't worthwhile.   If it was either of these, I would urge people not to be put off if the event runs next year with reduced sites.  I personally felt the more relaxed pace made it a less tiring event and seemed to do better up until the time I had to pull out.

It must also have been less demanding on Alex and Donald, who put a huge amount of behind the scenes work in, during, and after the event so that we can all enjoy what is still a major event in the calander on home turf.

Perhaps it would be useful for them if a feedback form could be designed and sent to this years, and perhaps the last couple of years competitors that could maybe give an indication of what people think, perhaps give pointers as to why previous non army entrants didn't enter this year, and get the thoughts of this years entrants about whether or not this year's format was good/bad etc.

To do my bit for the club, I'd be happy to work with Alex/Donald to draw up a brief feedback form, and work with Pam to send it out and collate the feedback.

Once again thanks to all for another brilliant weekend - your work is appreciated




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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 07:50:10 PM »
It was indeed a great event - my thanks to all those who made it happen.

Can I also say a special thanks to the boys in car 22, who stopped for a good ten minutes in the first orienteering stage to help us get going again. Stopping to help in a timed stage is, as far as I'm concerned, going way above and beyond the call.

(And for all those who saw my Lightweight immobile in various places on Saturday: I changed the coil at stupid o'clock on Saturday night and it hadn't conked out since, so hopefully a dodgy coil was the cause. The engine was dying and refusing to start for ten minutes or so, then coming back to life and running nicely. Which cost us about ten points in the first orienteering stage, and thirteen points (when we should have scored 0) in Twechar. Hey ho.)



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 09:48:56 PM »
Superb event! Rubbish support from Membership.

No other way to describe it - the numbers speak for themselves - 15 out of 450. Now before you all jump in and tell me why you personally could not take part I do appreciate that there were good reasons for many individuals to miss this event. But surely we could have mustered more than this. The organisers, Alex and Donald, put in 100% effort and having laid out one orienteering section personally (not on MudMaster) I know how long it takes, and mine was a simple one. This event takes an enormous amount of time to prepare and if we lose it next year through lack of support it will be a sad day.

The stuff that was on offer yesterday was terrific. The scrutineering and signing-on was very efficient and the marshals were on top-form, keeping us well informed as to what was happening. The burger-wagon rattled out super food and there was even a toilet!

I'm not sure if a 'feedback form' is needed, Duncan, but it certainly can't do any harm.

What's wrong guys? Is this event too difficult for you?





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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 10:27:01 PM »
In my opinion better PR of the event would help, sell the event, dont assume that the club members all know what is needed or involved. Tell your story here, must you survive on army rations all weekend and is camoflage compulsary  etc etc :)

So while were on about the Mudmaster, who did what, who won Army / Club Member.

Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help. or mobile: 07767726075


Buffalo Bill

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  • Name: Bill Conner
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 12:14:50 AM »
More info would be good

I wanted to be involved but didnt realy know what it involves

sounds like a fantastic event sorry i missed it
1989 110
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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 07:36:27 AM »
I like Bill would have liked to know more about it and perhaps been prepared to take part knowing what was involved.

If we had some reports maybe in the new news letter / flyer starting say about August then folks could be more knowledgeable about whats involved and prepare themselves and the vehicles accordingly.

I agree that it should be better supported so next year count me in.



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 08:09:07 AM »
Hi Sandy

While I suggested a feedback form, I feel that in general they are viewed as a pain, and I don't particularly like filling them in myself, but there is a need to find out why the membership didn't support this event in the same way this year, and this is the time to do it - well in advance of the next one.

 I'm sure those who have previously participated wouldn't mind giving some feedback if it is to help Alex and Donald form and plan the next event.  We also need to find out whether or not something has turned people off, and use what we find out to promote the event and inform potential entrants.  I'm sure we have a market in the guys on the forum who go off and arrange theri own days out on pay & play sites (this isn't a criticism of people doing this - i'm simply pointing out that they have an appetite for doing something different and extra over and above what the club offers and Mudmaster might be something extra that they maybe don't partipate in at present as like Bill they don't kniow enough about)

It seemed to me that there was a drop in numbers following the huge debate about insurance, but the organisers adressed that by making supplementary insurance available at an affordable cost that certainly puts minds at rest.  It looked to me when I was signing on this time that there was a fair uptake on it.

As mentioned I wondered if the smaller event put off the fairly large contingent that travelled a distance in previous years, and both Bill and Colin Rodger have highlighted what they see as lack of promotion/forward information.  It is there on the website, but we will be haviong 3 or 4 newsletters before the next Mudmaster, so there are opportunities for additional promotion.  So there are just a few things we need to know about.

Bill has lightighted that he would have liked to know more about what was involved as he might have participated.  How many guys who are doing RTV's and Tyro's know that Mudmaster doesn't normally require any more skill than they are currently using and the Mudmaster event is aimed at improving these skills amongst others such as map reading skills and team work.  They would actually benefit from the experience as well as having a different and unique experience.

How many also know that you don't need a heavily modified and prepped vehicle, and in theory the event is meant to be non damaging.  If like me you end up with damage you have either got it wrong or been too enthusiatic!   For example look at how many standard series motors have competed over the years, and look at motors with higher values such as your own standard motor and yellow Disco which still hold reasonably high values.  This illustrates the range of motors that drivers wouldn't expose to undue damage.

You'll notice I've been careful to use additional rather than better in relation to information etc, as this post isn't meant to turn the topic into a what's bad about the event, My aim is to find out views from previous entrants to seek constructive information that helps Alex and Donald forward plan, which should help provide information for potential entrants  

I also think that what people don't realise is that because of the size of the event, I would imagine that it needs a fair amount of financial support, and less entrants mean less finance for site fees etc.  The event cost this year was ?40 for a 2 day event giving access to 10 very different sites.  That's not bad value when generally one Tyro/RTV on a single site costs ?20 which is still good value.  

Anyway, up until I had to retire, I thought this year was brilliant and would be sad to se ethe event dissapear becasue of lack of support from members




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  • Name: Pam Norrie
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 09:42:40 AM »
The overall winner was the team of Ross Muir and Colin Robertson, who maintained an impressively high standard throughout.  Well done chaps.  First-comers award went to Colin Lees and Jenni Taylor. (I can't remember their exact placing, but it was very good indeed for a first attempt.)

Full results will be emailed to all competitors when I receive them, and I shall put them on the web.

Growing old disgracefully!



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 10:21:28 AM »
I accept that more publicity would do no harm and if Donald and Alex can be bothered to give us another MudMaster next year that should be done. However:

1) MudMaster is not a new event - this one was probably the 20th - so lots of Members know about it.

2) The Forum message of 9th October had 798 views! I don't believe that people look at these 10 times over - little point in that - so we must assume lots of people knew about it.

3) The Club Website had a page relating to it - and later on a 'front page' mention.

4) The Flyer devoted a full page to MudMaster.

So, there is ample evidence that there was sufficient publicity to bring out more than 15 vehicles on the day. I accept that the business of insurance caused a problem last year and that there is less money to spare these days.

But something else is wrong. There is, I suggest, a lack of good, old-fashioned enthusiasm in our Club.





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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2010, 10:41:30 AM »

Your points re publicity were well made so its back to asking people what's up - and finding the best and least controversial way to do it.

The only thing I don't agree with is the asumption that as it's run for 20 yrs plenty of people know about it.  The club like all clubs have an evolving membership, that comes and goes so awareness raising has to be continuous as has evaluating what we do to see if it still interests people.




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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2010, 11:20:11 AM »
Maybe it has run its course did it  not used to attract50/60 entries s  twenty good years is not to bad everything the club organises cannot be  a success or failure is a bitter pill  cost to compete is at least ?250 money is tight  the same winners every year????  Has the committee really bothered further than getting the head count up and money in mudmaster is different to all other events and therefore attracts a different entrant nearer to rallying than anything else and dare i say it is the scoring accurate? it is easier to vote with your feet than cause a stushie



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2010, 12:01:06 PM »
Well, the only reason I did not enter was that I could not guarentee having the vehicle back on the road. In the end I only got an MOT on Thursday.

I'd also have opened it up for my guys at work but most of them were actually teaching on a course over the weekend. Donald has helpfully clarified that we CAN offroad our white-fleet 110s.

I'll be there next year and I have my crew organised an'all.
If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....


Buffalo Bill

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  • Name: Bill Conner
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2010, 12:18:29 PM »
I know these questions will be answered else where but as this is the hot topic i will ask

how many do you need in a team?

what level of map reading skills do you require?

what level does you car need to be ready for i.e rtv/tyro ?

do you require nights away?

please be gentle with the replies  ;D

regards Bill
1989 110
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1988 90



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2010, 01:04:41 PM »

It's pretty much all listed in the pre-event information, but I'm sure someone could put the full regs somewhere on the forum, as they are e-mailed to everyone who expressed an interest.

Basically the vehicle has to meet RTV spec.

Team of driver and navigator - and you can take passengers as well as long as they have a seat and seatbelt.  Make sure your navigator can read a map, knows their left from right, is thick skinned and won't walk off in the huff when you shout at them.

Big flask, big piece, rachet straps for tying on broken bits and a sense of humour.  I'm past the point of being competitive, it's an achievement in itself getting through the event.  Extremely enjoyable , and it would be sad to see it dissapear.  Even in the shortened more relaxed form, there's still loads of fun and enjoyment. 

Perhaps people take the competitive element of what,the club does too seriously 




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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2010, 01:31:14 PM »
I always regret hearing of organisers feeling that all their hard work and efforts were not worth it at the end of the day. Having organised a few things in the past for other activities, I know how it feels and no longer tend to volunteer my services for such things. It is easy to get down about these things but I think Sandy should look at the positives. There may have been only a few members participating but the entry seemed to be quite considerable and as I assume that the majority were in the armed forces and needed the experience then it was worth doing for that reason alone. Well done Sandy and all the others that organised or helped out in any way.

I agree with the comments that the event was well enough known and was mentioned in various ways before the weekend, so yes, it is down to a lack of will or interest on behalf of the members. It is probably just a trend of the way things are at the moment, a lot of 4x4 owners who like a day out 'offroad' but without any real risk of damage. I assume that the attendance at Tyro's and Greenlane Runs backs this up? Committee has to decide if it maintains the traditions of the club as far as challenging events go, or just give people more of what they find interesting.

Personally, I think the Mudmaster concept is great but I would never participate in it. Seems to involve teamwork and navigation both of which are alien concepts to me. That's why Sat-Nav was invented!  ;D

I do enjoy watching other people get lost and stuck however so maybe I will do some of that next year.

Keep up the good work.