What day in the year causes most confusion in a certain district in Glasgow?
Fathers Day
Two men meet on a street in Glasgow. "Hi Jim how you doing? and I see you have just lost a shoe"
2nd Man reply's " Am well and no I just found only one on the street"
Many years ago there was a bible salesman in Glasgow who had to increase sales due to an impending visit of a holy leader.
Placing an ad in the Glasgow Evening paper he got only three reply's!
Deciding to interview each one he arranged to met them at his office later in the week.
The first applicant arrived and was an out of work double glazing salesman Ah thinks the biblesalesman atleast he has sales experience so he offers him a job and gives him a box of bibles telling him to come back in a week.
The second applicant was a university lecturer who was looking for some extra money. Mmm thinks the bible salesman not much experience but if he sells even 5 bibles in a week then it is five more. So off he is sent and asked to come back in a weeks time.
The 3rd applicant arrives well dressed but has a stammer when speaking. Mm the bible salesman thinks against taking him on but as he needs all the sales before the holy visit he descides to employ him also. Again another box of bibles is handed out and he is also asked to return in a week.
A week later and all three arrive at the office the bible salesman asks the ex double glazing man how many bibles did you sell? "Well I managed to sell only only half the box of bibles"
"Not bad cosidering that each box contains 80 bibles and on a good week I usually sell about 40" recounts the biblesales man.
"And how many did you sell?" he asks the uni lecturer
Well I sold only 15 bibles as most people I spoke to already had one"
"Not bad but try and be more direct in selling this week"
Now scratching his head the bible salesman turns to ask the man with the stammer how he got on
"Aaahh well verryyy gooood I have solllld the compleeete box" he reply's
"The complete box !!!" repeats the bible salesman who has never in all his years sold that amount in a week
"How did you manage such great sales" ask the bible salesman
"Ahh well I weennnt too the dooor and rannnng the belll. On answering theirrr doooor I just asskkked iff "wouulld like tooo buyy a biblee or willl I readddd it toooo youuuu"
The above has been one of my party pieces and you can keep it going by doing more of the interview with the third applicant.