Right first off this is testing the water as I really don’t know .
First of vehicle body is in poor condition ,
Chassis may be okay , it has a v8 tdi?? Petrol lt77 gearbox but transfer box been removed .
It has sat pretty much out in the weather for a long time .
The ecu is shot or has shorted out I’m told .
There is two ways this may go First is whole vehicle as is as still has v5 or engine and gearbox .
So he roughly knows price he looking for it
I said I see if there is interest and what value folk are saying as I truly don’t know as I was hopping it had a Diesel engine as I still need one .
It’s a case of reply here or msg me questions so can find out and will go from there .
It in west calder area and may be able to be delivered at cost whole vehicle as there is if it’s okay a car trailer but I need to ask on that .
So open to you guys at what you think or if somebody is genuine wanting it .
I know it does crank over but not started due to ecu , rear window is smashed it’s front grill ect may be in back and it’s radiator also .
Will try get pictures of required and most likely will so it there specific pic u want let me know .