Furst trail run on road and off road at shotts

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  • Name: John wilkie
Furst trail run on road and off road at shotts
« on: November 26, 2017, 01:08:05 AM »
 :) well my 74' s3 lives and runs , my mate who owns a garage repairs body shop allowed me access to fit a replacement 2.5lt engine into the s3 and after a few days some help I got it all in and started up, fretted about got clutch working well and didn't touch brakes in over two years and she still stops on a penny so was well happy and he and the others amazed at what I've achieved.
Anyways, always added story to my stories lol, anyways my mate has a big Nissan 4x4 all the mode cons fitted etc and been giving me a lot of stick nd wanted to go off roading desperate with me to see how she would perform so today I took up the challenge lol ,
From west calder to shotts he lead the way to a area for off roading not sure if anyone's knows it but really well laid out and light covering of snow plus very marshy parts and flooded parts also, well he lead the way stopping after parts he thought I would not achive to find I was at his rear all the way , up the steep slopes tight bends steep drops hard angles ruts the lot she just purred away along not a problem. Anyways I stop just to give her a visual check under the hood and all okay temp okay no leaks etc I was well impressed how she has performed ,well I had mate as a feared co pilot who text me after sating myself and other mate can go our selfs next time as we crazy lol anyways , back he came from what I would say looked like a rutted patch heading upfield with a big dipped muddy area he had chewed up on way up and back to me saying I go so he sit and watch how I do well I got to dip and got well and truly grounded and before I could stop him he brightly thought he was invinable and would pass me on passenger side well he got as far as I did and got well and truly stick as well so we hadn't body behind to tow us out or anyone forward to tow us out because (polish) didn't understand wait I'm stuck lol so for about three hours we tried different ways ah long strop about fifty Meters plus tow line from his working winch wrapped round about the only tree/bush ahead resulted in that being pulled out well and truly and he didn't budge a inch, tried at 90'degrees to a concrete posts well in didn't do any much good bar pull him sideways but still well truly stuck, grab a loosed concrete post and at a angle ahead tried to ram it into ground to make a ground anchor result was it broke in half lol so tried using two point behind and winch rope under to rear so like a y behind to try pull himself backwards result his winch rope snapped , so as it freezing , coved in mud, feet wehere numb coved wet in mud the three of us and his wife stuck inside his also muddy refusing to get out lol they two opted to walk to villiage or farmers house to get someone to come tow us out , thirty plus mins hey eventually got anther mate to turn up in his 4x4 Nissan :-( to yank him out backwards eventually then the two off them together to pull me out backwards lol it was now pitch black freezing  cold headed home, I follow him due to a 74'  s3 Swb lights are not the greatest plus no wipers or squirted for window, plus only third brakes working on way back plus half of shotts was plough up and sticking to my rear step area as was stuck near to back door drove home, I got flashed thinking police and pulled over a flashed him but he just carried on, turned out my rear spot light was still on dooooh !! So I carried on trying to see road lines and eventually got back to find him laughing at state of us both caked in mud his vehicle just brown mud all over and mine didn't look much better lol he got his worker to jet wash his and mine down and will head back in tomorrow in light of day as see the damage and what needs fixed,
Well to say I'm sitting writing thus with a massive smile as been well over two years of trying to get her fixed some might of see my posts about my efforts and hopfully understand why I'm am well pleased to have her running well and performing very well off road and drive home safely has given me the biggest boost I could ask for helping me getting her fixed and running.
So. In short, I'm going to buy a off road anchor, new winch plus a portable rear type winch also so if I ever find myself stuck like that with my mate again then st least one of us will get out to help the other if he ever stupidly try's to show off and get stuck next to me again lol.
I think he has pics and video so will try get some posted up soon .
Cheers john on sorry for spelling etc above . But u get the jist of it I smiling again  ;D ;D
I'm not lost I'm just slow getting there.



  • ****
  • Posts: 151
  • Name: John wilkie
Re: Furst trail run on road and off road at shotts
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2017, 07:37:11 PM »
She past !! Yes I really mean it she past her mot with one advisory I am so chuffed that after all this time I have succeed even if it meant that from 6:15am till 11am I worked on fixing the electrics that got damaged while off road trip and found a problem that requires a new mains switch but bypassed it safely for mot but if I leave it it will drain battery as not switching off mains electric fan , I've got new switch and just need to rewire taking out the damage switch and wiring.
So I've now have her home in my driveway awaiting to be used whenever I do wish wooohoooo .
Laters all and c u about.
I'm not lost I'm just slow getting there.



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Re: Furst trail run on road and off road at shotts
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2017, 07:52:44 PM »
Well done John!
Overcoming your health issues and bad luck was down to sheer persistence on your part!



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Re: Furst trail run on road and off road at shotts
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2017, 09:38:57 PM »

A lot of people in much better position health wise and working facilities would have thrown the towel in long before now - pure determination won in the end