Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December - Now likely to be Glenbranter Argyll

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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
A heads up that I've applied for permission to do a GRR in the Ardgarten Forest on 10th Dec.  Not heard anything back from the Forestry Commission yet.  If it comes off then the plan would be to meet at the Visitor centre in Glen Croe near Arrochar for an 11am start.

For those that don't know the spot, its into Argyll - Head up Loch Lomond and turn off for Arrochar, this is then the peninsula that runs away to the south, with the "Rest and Be Thankful" pass being the "top" of the triangle. Not sure when the Club last did a GRR there, must be a few years ago ? 

As soon as I get a response from FC I'll post more detail.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 01:36:34 PM by genem »
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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2017, 11:12:19 AM »
Met a senior FC guy elsewhere last night who said he'd seen the paperwork go across his desk.... so we have approval in principle - the devil is in the detail though, the foresters on the ground and what work is in progress. They tend to block off large sections for the entire period of a felling campaign, even if no work is actually planned for the day we are there.

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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 10:50:31 AM »
That Jinxed that.... :-(     The area I'd hoped for is booked out to MoD for a military exercise.   FC are exploring what other options are available which is helpful of them. Watch this space...

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Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2017, 02:14:17 PM »
This could be a blessing, if it gives us access to somewhere we have not been before.
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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2017, 07:03:32 PM »
I've been asked to submit a new proposal for Glenbranter, near Strachur.  A bit of a hike for some but a spot I don't remember we've ever been to before ?
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Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2017, 07:25:42 PM »
Are we not able to access the MOD sites anymore?
 thinking of that one above Helensborough.



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2017, 09:16:22 PM »
......we've been there every December bar last year when I drowned the 90 en-route - for the last 5-6 years  - so time to ring the changes ?

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Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2017, 09:59:43 PM »
True enough, but do we still have access to the MoD sites at all?



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: Potential GRR Ardgarten, 10th December
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2017, 11:21:58 PM »
Just a question of paying for the license and fighting a way through the new online booking system.

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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
As for Glenbranter, just waiting for the final confirmation that we are OK to go, I'd hope so given that it was FC who suggested most of the route. Hoping to get a site recce in this weekend as its not an area I know.

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Did the recce, idea in my head is a 20 mile circular route so it should flow OK, no doubling back.

I'll chase FC for confirmation later today. 
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  • Name: nathan taylor
Hi Gene, is it open to S2C members as I've not renewed my Slroc membership yet.



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Nathan, Yep, S2C is a fellow ALRC member Club so a bit of cross-fertilisation is OK, SLROC get any profits anyway.  ( GRR make a small profit for the Club). 

We now have permission :-)

Meet at the FC Glenbranter Information Centre at 11am, bring packed lunch and a camera. We've rarely had any need of tools but feel free to bring recovery kit etc. 

How to get there, postcode etc at:


See you Sunday.


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  • Name: nathan taylor
Awesome day today Gene, thanks for making it possible.



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Thanks to the brave souls who came out in temps of -8c and experienced a cracking bit of weather for a Green Road run !   .....my comment about recovery obviously jinxed it because we had a one minor rover/ditch engagement to deal with....

apart from that though....
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