speed camera detectors

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speed camera detectors
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:00:37 PM »

Has anyone got one and do they actually work.
What's best to spot road side camera vans.
The obvious answer being your eyes, i got that one :)





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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 08:37:14 PM »
never bothered with one and i think they are illegal anyway or certain ones are



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 09:29:31 PM »
i think its points if you are caught with one, if its for the road to aberdeen set your cruise control and put on some mellow tunes, too many unmarked and hidden motors up that road.


Alan Mc

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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 09:49:47 PM »
Hi Geoff.  Yes, got one but haven't used it for years.  Back when I did use it (in my speedy youth....) effectively picked up guns & Gatsos.  That having been said, did also pick up traffic lights in towns too which was a pain.  Not sure it would pick up laser guns or camera vans.  These days I rely on cruise control!




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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 10:23:45 PM »
Been a long time time since I used one.  Tom Tom updates speed camera locations regularly and is fairly accurate, but you need the live arial

Been a while since I was last at Aberdeen but was there today and couldn't believe the number of speed camera vans between Perth and Aberdeen - counted at least 4 on the A90 today (a couple just a few miles between them somewhere near A M Phillip)



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 10:55:39 PM »
I just watch like a hawk! Got done by a half hidden mobile van pinging me for overtaking on a mile long straight 5 years ago as a new driver  >:(


stage recovery

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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2012, 11:07:05 PM »
Hi Geoff, If you are commuting to and from Aberdeen you will soon learn where all the camera vans park/hide/make money!



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2012, 11:18:19 PM »
best to stick to the limit at point in the road oh and leave an hour early that way you dont need to speed to get there


Jonathon James

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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2012, 07:25:51 AM »
Morning Geoff,

We tend to use Nokia Maps, it's free, shows your speed, gives advanced reminders of fixed cameras and safety areas; and more importantly tells you if you exceed the speed limit.

A previous version would issue a stern verbal warning 'observe speed limit', unfortunately this has now been replaced by 'ding ding ding'.

As long as your phone is plugged into the charger it's great.


ps A few years back we had Snoopers with laser & radar detectors, and a gps database to show fixed cameras. The laser sensor was turned off because it would go off in towns; the radar was switched off because it would constantly go off.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 08:04:52 AM by Jonathon James »



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 10:39:14 AM »
The Speed Partnership Vans area of Operation is Advertised in the press and online the week in advance
& the vans put up the Portable Sign to tell you in advance of there position, or they are along from the fixed signs..
(The officer in charge says they no longer back heel down the portable sign as they walk back to the van)

The A90 has almost Constant Monitoring by Unmarked and Covert Police for drug runners to Aberdeen, and these vehicles will call on the marked vehicles to tale or stop a suspected pretty high speed vehicle. ( ;) As a BM driver, I think you might have meet them already)
If they have time to pass waiting for a expected Stop, they do sometimes come after the blatant speeder.

You get to Aberdeen from Dundee (or reverse trip) at pretty much the same speed or time what ever you try between Dundee & Stonehaven By-pass,
because its the time of day and getting over or Passed the Bridge of Dee that decides the journey time really.

You should know within a few trips the points to pay particular notice, but 75 mph on the dual carraigway never causes a problem whether it be at Tealing, Glamis Turnoff, AM Phillips, Forfar, Kirriemuir Turnoff, Just before Peggy's Stop, before Netherton Tractors,
before Strachthro, etc, then you leave Angus and you have all the Aberdeenshire bits.

Less stress to set the Cruise control and chill & watch all those that pass you at 90 with no bother and you then pass or get passed by as you crawl into Aberdeen.

No need to be stuck for long.



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  • Name: Gene Maxwell
Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 11:40:50 AM »
All our "White Fleet" vehicles are fitted with "Drives", a tracking system that also gives the driver a red, amber, green warning light for excess speed or harsh handling. The "Red" comes on at 80mph, "one-way interview, no coffee" to follow, as it also show up on the reports to Bde HQ in Stirling.

In my experience Plod rarely react to anything below 80 and if you can't spot the camera vans you need your eyes testing and should not be driving :-)

...and the sooner they build that damn bypass around Aberdeen the better. Rare to get from one side of the city to the other in under 45 mins at rush hour in my experience and I've known it take 2 hours....and Dundee is not much better. :-(   

If its not broken you are not trying hard enough....



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2012, 04:01:40 PM »
( ;) As a BM driver, I think you might have meet them already)

I did George, when we came to see the orange 110.
Just south of Dundee I came across a loony in an old Mondeo, flashing his lights and suggesting i pulled over. I thought he was a nutter so i put my boot down. He couldn't keep up, the marked Volvo he called could though ;D
The copper told me he was one of them, ooops.

I've done a few trips over the last week, I set the cruise at 70 and get there when I get there.

You could loose your licence in one trip on that road :o




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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2012, 10:24:50 PM »
Gone are the days when you could blast across the country esp in the middle of the night, there are so many people not only speeding but driving like loonys killing themselves and others at an alarming rate,
i think there are more speed cameras in aberdeen than lamposts,,
For me i was one also, there was a time i could do tullos to auchinkilns junction as it was then in an hour and ten minutes, to put that in perspective thats about the time it takes from aberdeen to dundee in a transit luton,,   Until one night when my boss was giving me a lift south as we approached the laurencekirk junction and an xr2 meteored into the roof of a fiat panda which was right in front of us after striking a series three at over 120mph four people died that night 3 out of four in the fiat and the xr2 driver (who was my first ever fatalitity) which is why its now the speed limit is a fifty there,
But the decider for me was one summer i spent working in cruachan power station and drove back to lanarkshire each day as my shift ended in the early hours of the morning,
 one night as i passed through inverary i noticed a car pull out behind me,, i payed it no mind,,,,, until he caught up with me at the long straight just before rest and be thankfull,, i thought he had just pulled out behind me at clachan,,,, i only noticed the blue lights when i had passed the turn off for dunoon,, but no apparently he had been chasing me all the way from inverary and he was really pessed off, when i stopped they cut in front and he jumped out ran up to me shouting and swearing(i barely had the window opened)  telling me how many people like me that were getting killed at the wheel because we didnt realise the dangers of driving in the country because of things like deer and livestock, he then went on to lament that  at no point was my speed under 90 miles an hour, what a trouble he had trying to catch me up,,,i set him off again when i tried to explain that i only slowed down because it started to rain,
He was so angry that he was jumping up and down so much his hat fell of and rolled into a puddle,  Boosh up he went again,,, now by this time all i can hear are banjo's i'm convinced all people are going to find my body the woods,,,
Then the strangest thing happened he went all sheepish and told me that he wasnt going to report me this time,(it must have been the expression on my face)  but had it been one of his collegues that it would have been an instant ban, ofcourse he is quite right,, 
He tells me if it happens again he's going to throw the book at me,  All i can say is i'm glad they never had cs spray or tazers back then,
So for the rest of that summer i never sped,, not once, i took my warning to heart, now i've gone the other way i drive like miss daisy,  so i'm afraid i'm most likely the one you get stuck behind, lol tio



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Re: speed camera detectors
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2012, 08:14:18 AM »
tio i have had that twice in my driving carer  with irate plod and no booking      the fatalitys well the only time  was three in one night the first in balliston a vx4/90embeded up to the windscreen  driver dead     the next at the shotts junction on the m8 passenger killed and the driver lost an eye and harthill a man just killed on the main street steam still  rising from him  yes it brings it all home speed kills