So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?

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Re: So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2010, 07:45:46 PM »
 >:(  Mines given up the ghost after playing in deep snow did,nt notice bottom hose had split temp guage did not move off normal then engine stopped running did restart but head gasket has gone so its off the road till the snow goes away but then again it is a Freelander  :o
300 v8i Discovery with a few mods lol



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Re: So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2010, 11:35:01 AM »
Aghhhh the C*^t still wont run normally. It runs lumpy then runs oots fuel by the sounds of it within seconds, cranks for ages then restarts runs lumpy cuts out you get the picture.
I had a heater blower in the engine even poured boiling water all along the fuel lines etc.
Charged the battery fully.
Checked for leaks.
Oil pressure seems fine.
Flushed and refilled coolant system.
Tried running it with fuelcap off no diffrence.

Kinda realised this happend exactly after filling up at the shell garage bottom of gorebridge pumps were all low ya reakon i should phone em incase a contaminated pump?.
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.



Re: So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2010, 12:34:12 PM »
I saw a post.... maybe here, maybe elsewhere... regarding the new shell(fuelsave?) fuel causing problems due to the additive, the guy emptied his tank and took a beaker of fuel, which he left to settle. After a while it looked like a lava lamp, i.e a big blob of this additive in the bottom, I haven`t used shell since!



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Re: So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2010, 03:19:31 PM »
There has been several sites all challenging the suitability of the new Shell fuel, some vehicles just gave up. I am sure that Tim remarked on it on this forum. Try a search for Tim's posts probably about three months ago.




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Re: So has the cold weather tried to kill your landy yet?
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2010, 04:28:15 PM »
I do mind reading that cheers guys for reminding me ill search and have a look fuelsave generally all i use...shit if its true. I always thought the engine ran nicer on it with a little more power and deffiantly fuel econemy was up.

Ok today me and a m8 tried the following. Checked the filter was actually getting fuel it was. Drained from the bottom freely.
Was gona put in a new liftpump but realised it has to pump the fuel into the filter so it seems to be doing that?
the fuel line going to the top of the timing pump had a fuel supply.
When we cranked with an injector line of it barly came out but were not sure if this was down to air in the sytem.
It did start ran smooth for about 10 seconds after maualy pumping lots of fuel in and holding open what we think is the cold start mechanism.
As soon as this was let go it conked out.Or if restarted ran breifly befor spluttering and conking out.
Tomorow were gona try a direct fuel feed count out split pipes etc.
Just tyying to narrow it down guys if you think of anything let me know.
1988 Defender 110 300tdi. Bit of an animal.
1998 Defender 90 300tdi. The new pup.