Mudmaster 2010

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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2010, 02:04:16 PM »
Superb event! Rubbish support from Membership.

No other way to describe it - the numbers speak for themselves - 15 out of 450.

Putting on my pedant hat: both driver and navigator have to be members, so actually 30 out of 450 members competed. :P

cost to compete is at least ?250

Really? Entry is ?40 between two, I spent just over ?50 on LPG, my insurance already covered me and (like anyone living in the central belt) I didn't need to pay for accomodation. What should I have spent the other ?160 on?

Taking off the pedant hat, I reckon publicity / information could be the key - the event appeared to have a low profile in newsletters and on the website. I had to go looking to find out which weekend it was and where to get the entry form. Those who haven't entered maybe assume it's beyond them (which it isn't; my first ever off-road event was Mudmaster). Also, for those of us who are not regular attenders, perhaps emailing the newsletter would make more sense - I tend to read stuff that arrives in my personal email whereas 90% of my snailmail is junk and most of the rest is bills, so I tend to skim the stuff infrequently. But then, as a persistent entrant I'm maybe the wrong person to ask why others don't enter.



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2010, 02:51:42 PM »
I would love to take part in mudmaster however as both Wendy and I make most of our income at the weekend (dont get paid if we dont work) it is a big financial loss if we are both off the two days.Am sure there are other teams in similar situation.

That said we have a year to get sorted and if we give up say a horsey event we can perhaps have a go next year.

Will give me a year to teach navigator left/right and show her what a map looks like.

It would be awfull if the event did not continue so I will do everything possible to be there next year
1995 300 tdi csw 110
series 3 109 2.25p
ex mil 1986 90 s/t 2.5na
88on galv chassis needs rebuild and more
Disco m reg 2l mpi


Buffalo Bill

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  • Name: Bill Conner
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2010, 03:03:33 PM »
I would like to join in next year as well.

could we put names up for next year and say someone is strugling for a navigator or whatever.

then club members could pair up and even split costs etc.

and newbies could possibly do a ride along to give them confidence for the following year,

Just an idea

Regards Bill
1989 110
1990 90
1988 90



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2010, 03:54:40 PM »
What a very constructive approach, its probably the team build that has me as my OH would rather put pins in her eyes :o :o than bounce around in a Land Rover for 2 days :D :D

So all we need to do is get someone in officialdom to set up the list.
One further point is that since both need to be members it might just push up the membership numbers



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2010, 04:04:43 PM »
OTOH, only requiring one member per vehicle (which I believe is how it used to be) might push up entries. Requiring one's navigator to join just to do one event pushes up the cost considerably. I don't know whether there would be insurance implications though.



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2010, 04:07:17 PM »
All replies so far are positive and of help. I have one message from a Member concerned that this topic may attract some less positive criticism and suggesting we move to Members Only area. So far due to moderate and sensible observations propose to leave this here so please let's keep it this way.

Nothing I have said is pointing at any person - I know some of you have various issues as I had with my regular navigator trapped in London and only able to get help on Saturday. And yes, I too don't worry in the least about the competitive stuff. I do my best - which isn't very good - but I have a great day out and have lots of fun. Those who feel like competing seriously also have a good time and that's as it should be.

Maybe some Members feel it is too much of a challenge but if you do what you can and have a laugh at what you can't then it's one of the best events of the year. My concern is that if we, the Members, fail to support it by not turning out and having a go then the Club will be the poorer.





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  • Name: Pam Norrie
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2010, 04:10:04 PM »
Full results are now posted in the Results area of the web-site.

As for sharing next year, as the mug who does the entry paperwork, I am quite happy to keep a list of members who either need a navigator or want to go along with someone else.  The only proviso is that I am NOT to blame for navigator incompetence or driver loss of temper!!  (Actually everyone seemed to be smiling this year, so it can't be that bad.)

Also, those who haven't tried Mudmaster should bear in mind that there is a prize for best newcomer. This year it was won by the team in 6th place overall, so it isn't just an event for the experts.  
Growing old disgracefully!



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2010, 07:46:44 PM »
This is a great event and I agree that the more relaxed atmosphere was great - I also think keeping it in a tighter area was much better as it helped to lower the costs and it was great to finish in the daylight.  This was my second time as a 'navigator' and I had a blast.  It is the taking part that counts not the winning although I do have to admit to becoming slightly competitive at the time.  Sadly my driver and I also had to retire due to the turbo giving up but this is all part of the event - sometimes it goes smoothly other times it doesn't.  And there is always next year!

I think that people also need to remember that financially everything is much tighter for everyone at present.  Lack of numbers may down to this and the numbers were down from both sides.  Many people also have many other commitments and can't necessarily give up 2 days to play, as much as they would like too!

I would like to thank Alex, Donald, Pam and all the marshalls making it a superb 2 days (well 1.5 days in our case).




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  • Name: Ross Muir
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2010, 07:44:42 PM »
Has anyone any images from MM10, I believe the photographer was sending some to Sandy for the site.




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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2010, 07:51:46 PM »

The photographer is called Iain - his email is as below -

If you tell him your car number he will send thumbnail images and you can choose which ones you like and he will print out for you.

His pictures are very good.




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  • Name: Ross Muir
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2010, 07:55:19 PM »
Thanks Ann




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  • Name: mike robertson
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2010, 09:21:35 PM »
Maybe it has run its course did it  not used to attract50/60 entries s  twenty good years is not to bad everything the club organises cannot be  a success or failure is a bitter pill  cost to compete is at least ?250 money is tight  the same winners every year????  Has the committee really bothered further than getting the head count up and money in mudmaster is different to all other events and therefore attracts a different entrant nearer to rallying than anything else and dare i say it is the scoring accurate? it is easier to vote with your feet than cause a stushie

ok 2 counts here

cost to compete is at least ?250
Dunno where you are getting that figure from but in the 4 years i took part it didnt cost any more than ?100 INC fuel ( ran both a v8 & an extremly thristy TDI)

2nd point
the same winners every year
Dont think so......
fair enough myself & my oldman won it 2 years on the trot but thats more so because we are a good team, saying that now he has won it this year means ill prob be up next year to defend my 2 in a row (even if it means a long haul from sw wales)

Started out with nothing,
Still have most of it left



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    • ruariboy
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2010, 10:14:59 PM »
Sounds like a great event.
My criticism would be the website description doesn't do it justice. Now if your relatively new to the landy club I judge the book by the cover 'MudMaster' thus not bothered with reading some of the previous forum discussions.
Having read this and some other info sounds like I'm missing out on a unique event. once a year.
Is there any chance of a practice so we would know what to expect?
If you could do a mail shot (email) to all memebers for next year I would certainly read it.

Hoping to coincide with a weekend off.
Driver & Navigator
Karis 110 - The perfect way to get a MTB to the top of the hill.
Power to the pedal!

Myrtle Air Portable - V8



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  • Name: Alan Griffith
Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2010, 10:59:18 PM »
Mudmaster - cracking event!
Competed (well, took part) for past 3 years but decided for various reasons to give it a miss this year. Went along to help out marshaling though, and really enjoyed seeing it from the "other side". Good crack with the Army (and RAF) lads (and lasses) as well as club members, and just seems to have a really good atmosphere about it. As others have said, it felt more relaxed this year, and I wasn't aware of anyone being overly competitive.  The more "compact" format also seemed to be better. Alex and Donald put a huge amount of effort into organising it and setting it up and I dearly hope it continues next year - I'd urge everyone to consider giving it a go. Could do with a bit more publicity in the lead-up.
Not going to go on at length here, but if anyone (Bill, Tommy, Ruari) wants a chat about what its all about, I'll see you at next event.
PS - bonus this year was having burger van at Avonbridge stage - steak burger was excellent!



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Re: Mudmaster 2010
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2010, 11:07:09 AM »
Just a message from the military side, myself and Sue normally try to enter Mudmaster every year. I compete and Sue helps results but it tied in with a planned trip this year and we could not make it. We are both hoping to come along next year so I hope it survives. It has been mentioned a drop in military numbers this was due to funding issues, whether this is sorted by next year who knows but hopefully. I am glad to see those who competed this year had the normal good time and hope to see you all next year.