Gutted and perturbed

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    • rover51
Gutted and perturbed
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:35:39 PM »
Well I guess you should never really trust your instincts !

I swapped my old 110 for a discovery in January - looks were very much deceiving though as recent MOT check showed a chassis that was as holey as a piece of swiss cheese - how on earth it managed to get through last MOT with no advisories is beyond me and beyond my MOT centre - think a little word with VOSA might be in order as it really does seem as if a naughty MOT was given !!!

Lucky for me I never had an accident in the Discovery as the chassis wouldn't have held up !

So for me it's back to the drawing board and a case of starting again with a Discovery 200tdi (Gold seal replacement engine), unwelded sound chassis and a bit of body parts swapping to get me back on the road again.

So its RIP Murphy and hello to "Still to be named"

Merry Christmas !!!
I wish I knew more,
But then, don't we all.



Re: Gutted and perturbed
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 04:49:02 PM »
If you know the person well would he consider swapping it back due to the condition was false and therefore making it wrongly or false information on its condition or if you don't can you prove it was wrongly advertised and get a legal advice to get it sorted?
In any case you might be to blame for not checking it fully first! I do feel for you and think how bad I would feel finding out something turns out to be that bad.
I hope you get it sorted and back on the road again soon .



  • *****
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    • rover51
Re: Gutted and perturbed
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2014, 05:09:26 PM »
Hi Lurch
Thanks for reply
Don't know the person well at all
The bits that were checked at the time seemed good enough (without having a good roll around underneath or a 4 poster ramp to check properly)
Not worth the hassle of going down the legal route for something that was only really worth a grand or so, just really wanted to have a whinge about it as you do !
These things happen to us all at one point or another
Think I am more annoyed at previous MOT place as I've been advised that the chassis would not have become so bad after one year so really should have been noted at last MOT
We all buy old land rovers and know what we can be letting ourselves in for and know that most of them will require a date with the welder at some point !
Anyways - onwards and upwards - on with working on the 200tdi to get it how I want it and off to the MOT man next year for it's ticket !
I wish I knew more,
But then, don't we all.



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Re: Gutted and perturbed
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2014, 11:26:07 PM »
 In simple terms, MOT complaints are only considered by DVSA (VOSA) up to one month after the issue of the pass for most items with serious corrosion issues being considered up to three months from date of test. Any MOT garage would not be slow to point this out. It never ceased to amaze me how quickly a tester's point of view would change if he was the alleged offender. So "let the buyer beware"!