Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2014

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Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2014
« on: February 02, 2014, 11:10:08 AM »
Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2014,

Hi All

It is the intention to hold an open meeting (anyone can attend) to discuss this years Borders event to court opinion and thoughts. This is not an organising team meeting.

The meeting will be held at the Glenfarg hotel, Glenfarg PH2 9NU on Wednesday the 19th February 2014, starting at 19:30

We welcome anyone who has an interest in this years Borders Hill Rally, all we ask is that you let us know you are coming (we need to let the hotel know numbers, to get the correct size meeting area). This is a great opportunity to come along and find out about this years event, also to ask questions and get your points of view across to the organisers.

There are a  number of jobs that need to be done, both as part of the organising team and also as part of the event support team. If your willing to get involved in helping making this years event happen then please get in touch by email.

The event has a number of challenges that it needs to meet to succeed, we would be interested in hearing from any potential sponsors of the event. We welcome support in all forms whether in terms of product or financial, both large and small. All support is welcome.

The Scottish Hill Rally Club are building on the success of last years event TV coverage and we can confirm that the 2014 event will also be televised.

If you cannot make the meeting and you want to have something included, feedback etc then please email me the details and I will ensure its covered at the meeting.

Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Regards, Colin.

Colin Rodger
Rally Manager
Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2014
Mobile: 07767-726075

This e-mail has been sent on behalf of
SHR Club Ltd
Registered in Scotland (Company No. SC307846)
Registered Office: 52 Fort St, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD52AB.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help. or mobile: 07767726075



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Re: Scottish Borders Hill Rally 2014
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 07:03:02 PM »
This meeting is tomorrow evening, if your coming and not told us then please do so. If your up for helping with the event but cannot make the meeting then please let me know, likewise if you have something you want discussed at the meeting.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help. or mobile: 07767726075