Timed Trials

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Pilot Custard

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  • Posts: 871
  • Name: Ian Stuart
Timed Trials
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:47:55 PM »
SLROC are now running a new type of event.... Timed Trials.

Here are the basic rules:
  • Vehicles must be log-booked ALRC vehicles, and conform to ALRC [and MSA] rules for Timed Trials events (Roll cages; fire-extinguisher; seat-belts; etc) [Green Book, regs section H]
  • Vehicles will be scrutineered, and checked for sound [MSA Blue Book, Section P 2.10 – 100dB(A) at 0.5m]
  • Competitors require a Competition Licence (Clubman, non-race – or higher) [P 24.2.1] - available from https://www.msauk.org/imissite/login/default.asp
  • Competitors are required to wear a crash helmet that conforms the MSA specification, goggles (unless in an enclosed vehicle), and dress as appropriate (fire retardent clothing, long sleeves; etc) [P 25.1] -
  • Passengers must produce an SLROC club card [P 24.2.1]
  • Passengers must be 16+ [P 25.2.2 ]

Sections are laid out as per standard Trials rules, taking into account that this is a Timed Trial, not a CCV Trial (corners, gradients, angles, and obstacles will all be approached differently). Sections should be 200-300m long, and must not exceed 320m (~0.2 mile) [P 10.1.3]
Note, however, that sections are trials sections, not short comp safari courses.

Individual sections have a Bogie time defined by a maximum average speed of 22mph [P 10.1.2], and a Maximum time of three (3) times that.
This makes working out times very easy: 22mph is 10m/s; 289 paces (meters) is therefore 28.9… meaning the bogie time is 30 seconds and the target time is 1m 30 seconds.
It is not a race, not a comp, therefore points are awarded thus:
  • For a completed section: 1 mark per second over the bogie time [P 48.2.1]
  • For a failed section: 1 mark per second of target time [P 48.2.2]
Four (4) sections are laid out, and each competitor is allowed three (3) attempts at each section.
Competitors who are unable to start when called are given a maximum.
As per standard Trials, the running order is by [assisted] random order, and the first competitor goes to the back of the queue after each section.
Competitors should do a total of twelve (12) runs, of which ten (10) count. Competitors may tie for placing.

Competitors are started as per Comp Safaris, and timed to the nearest second. Timing should be as per Comps [P 10.1.4]
Loss of forward motion does not count as a stop [P 48.3.1]: competitors continue until they either complete the stage for a time, or run out of time and receive a Maximum.
Competitors may cross their own tracks, take loops, or otherwise add distance (and therefore time) to their route. Routes should be designed to negate this.

Competitors who touch a cane receive a penalty of 10 seconds per cane touched (whilst also complying with the spirit of Trials rules.)
Competitors who completely miss a gate will be given a maximum.