"Borders" Comp Safari

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Pilot Custard

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  • Name: Ian Stuart
"Borders" Comp Safari
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:29:44 AM »
With the cancellation of the "Borders" Hill Rally, the Scottish Hill Rally Club are running a Comp

  • Two day comp safari, starting at 11am Saturday and at 9am Sunday. Competitors will complete 5 laps of a 12 mile stage on Saturday, and 7 laps of 7 miles on the Sunday – like the Hill Rally, time is tight and you need to drive more than you service.
  • Cost will be £150 per vehicle.

With most of the Hill Rally entrants staying with us, and a few more jumping on-board as soon as they heard - I've currently got 19 entries, out of a maximum entry of 40.

If you want to enter, or want to find out more - contact Ian Stuart on 07811 378 826
If you can Marshal, and I do need plenty of people for this event, please contact Colin Roger via colin.rodger@virgin.net (or 07767-726075)



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UPDATE "Borders" Comp Safari
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 10:03:10 AM »
Update: Catering and Scrutineering

Catering: I have connfirmed that the catering van will be at the event Saturday/ Sunday, the van is the same one that has been supporting the SCCC all year supplying good quality food. Forest Lodge is a bit of way for the van to come, please support them as it means that all rounds can have a snack van. Menu is as follows:

Hot Rolls

Butchers Sliced Square Sausage
Link Sausage
Black Pudding
Fried Egg
Homemade Potato Scone.....all £2.00

All Day Breakfast....................£4.50

Homemade Soup....................£1.50

Homemade Burgers
Minced Beef & Onion
Minced Beef with Chilli Flakes
Turkey & Herb.......................£2.50

Chicken Fillet.........................£2.50

Hot Meal for Dinner
Pasta Bolognese..
Cottage Pie with Vegetables includes
Tea/Coffee & Buttered Roll......£6.00

Tea/Coffee/Hot Choc/Bovril.... £1.00
Soft Drinks............................£1.00


Jonny Campbell MSA Scrutineer will be available from 14:00hrs till 16:30hrs on Friday the 9th to Srutineer cars from early arrivals. To book a slot give him a call 07756757124

Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help.
Email:colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile: 07767726075



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Re: "Borders" Comp Safari
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 11:23:40 AM »
With 26 confirmed entries the "Border's Comp is shaping up to be a great weekend of cross country motorsport. Check out the latest entry list @ www.scottish-hillrally.co.uk its not too late to get an entry, are you coming but not on the list then give us a shout to update the list.

Its also not too late to volunteer to help run the event, get in touch colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile 07767726075

Any questions please ask.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help.
Email:colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile: 07767726075



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Re: "Borders" Comp Safari
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2012, 07:47:00 PM »
Only 13 entries left till the event has a full entry of 40, get in touch if you want to be one of the final 13.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help.
Email:colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile: 07767726075



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Re: "Borders" Comp Safari
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 10:42:25 AM »
Up to 28 entries now so only 12 spaces left. Remember in Scotland we are happy for competitors to turn up on the day and enter, but we do have a maximum entry of 40 for the event. Best to talk to us in advance if your coming so that your not disapointed on the day if all the spaces have gone.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help.
Email:colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile: 07767726075



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Re: "Borders" Comp Safari
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2012, 08:51:21 PM »
Full results from the Borders Comp Safari are now available in the Borders Documents section http://scottish-hillrally.co.uk/joomla/index.php?option=com_rubberdoc&view=category&id=46%3Aborders&Itemid=67

Well done to all the competitors who took part. Thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped run the event.

Big thank you to Britpart, Duckworth Landrover, C&D Communications and Scottish Landrover Owners Club for supporting the event.


1rst:  Dan Lofthouse

2nd: Paul Myers

3rd: Colin Stevenson


Thanks again and we hope to see you all at the Borders Hill Rally 2013.
Colin Rodger

Marshals needed for CompSafari's give me a call if you can help.
Email:colin.rodger@virgin.net or mobile: 07767726075