I now own this car - engines going in my 90 - sorry for long winded reply but it might help someone else in future given this is the first thread that comes up when you google "3.5 rover v8 wont start"
Wen i bought it it would fire of sorts - had to hold the key round for ages to get engine up to speed and once going would backfire under load and stall if you tried to drive it.
I first took off the electronic choked carbs as it had a bit of pipe jammed int he back of it and didnt seem to do owt at all and engine ran like shite cold
I fitted a set of manual chokes that came on an engine i got off bob on here which i wanted the gear box from
Manual choke on , she didnt fire at all , getting worried id screwed it up totally at this point. But it has been sitting for 4 months since i last had it firing even roughly
Worked round the engine cleaned up the dizzy cap , checked the timing , checked resistance of leads , cleaned up the sparkplugs - checked for spark , nada
Bought new spark plugs , fitted and checked no1 against the body agan , got a single spark despite starter turning fast.
Checked the coil inputs , it was getting a single 12v input and 10v output when the key was round , and cutting power when the key came back to running position. -
Wired it up to what i thought would give me a perminant 12 in and 10v output
Pulled the plug and earthed out , turned the key ( no choke t this point and its -4 outside) and got a bright blue light show of repeated sparks and the engine roared into life , killed it , stuck the plug back in , pulled the choke out , turned key and first turn it roared into life just as bobs trialer did at his yard .i never thought id get this engine to run like that. , once warm revs freely no backfiring. Shes a little bit smokey but shes been sat for nigh on 3 years i think and running like crap any time she has been running in that time.
Project v8 90 is back on after spending so long getting this bugger running !