Might be best to speak to people that have had vehicles through a SVA or now a IVA.
There are enough around.
Not any great problem really to have a vehicles undergo an IVA.
Build quality and meeting the standards required is really rather simple with a Hybrid.
A vehicle can also easilly be Re-Built or Radically Altered and keep the original Registration year.
Thats where the points system comes in.
(read the up to date official information the DVLA provide for checking all you need to know)
Using a peviously used chassis or in the case of a Monocoque vehicle a previously used body for a build,
and using parts from other vehiclres that have had an ID will very likely lead to the vehicle getting issued with a Q plate.
But then that will be a decision made by people whos job and powers it is to do that as their employment.
THey are very helpful because thats part of their job.