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Re: Where are the gritters?
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2010, 06:17:24 PM »
Come on u were a lad once sorry you cant remember that far back ;).I might have to go to Dumfries eary tomorrow so 110 will be on duty
1995 300 tdi csw 110
series 3 109 2.25p
ex mil 1986 90 s/t 2.5na
88on galv chassis needs rebuild and more
Disco m reg 2l mpi



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Re: Where are the gritters?
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2010, 06:19:15 PM »
Steve the a71 sounds like a good night out ;D
1995 300 tdi csw 110
series 3 109 2.25p
ex mil 1986 90 s/t 2.5na
88on galv chassis needs rebuild and more
Disco m reg 2l mpi



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Re: Where are the gritters?
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2010, 04:43:41 PM »
I well and truly learned my lesson throwing snowballs as a youngster, as a young un i also indulged the occaisonal(achem)snow ball at moving vehicles busses, lorries, never got a gritter though lol, one winter i nursed a snowball so long waiting for a suitable victim,,it turned quite ice'y (you get the idea lions,,wildebeast, predator victim) now who happened along but a happles burra van haa a victim  but being a young un i must have got a bit excited and through my snowball too early just as the snowball left my ice'y grip,  true and straight my eyes lifted and focused on the target,,,,,nnnnnoooooo his window is open  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o as the fear slowed the horror the terror unfolded BOOOOF my rock hard iceball finds it's target much to my horror right on the side of the face exploding like a dum dum round on impact,  snowy ice all over the the cab of this van, stunning the poor driver (kinda like one of tysons punches) stunned and dazed as this poor driver attempts to recover, the van (one of those big bedfords) mount's the pavement women wain's dug's and prams all jumping for there live's all before my very eyes as he finally slides to a halt i regain the ability to close my mouth as well as use my leg's,  i take to my heels leaving only a cowardly yellow streak, i forgot to mention at the start this happened at school and for three days following the headmaster hunted the culprit, i never threw another snowball at traffic after that, lesson learned  :-[ :-[ 


Tommy B

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Re: Where are the gritters?
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2010, 12:08:09 AM »
I was dropping my daughter of at my in-laws on Monday as the schools were closed.  There's a nice Range Rover Classic that I've seen a few times parked near my in-laws, and the guy was out clearing snow.  I stopped to chat to him, and he said it was his first day of a weeks holiday. 
'Oh, where do you work?' I asked.   
I was a bit surprised when he replied.............. 'I drive a snowplow in Edinburgh'.

Anyhoos, picked up my new 90 Hardtop last Thursday, it's hard not to be too smug driving about watching others struggle (specially my mate who sold a Disco earlier in the year and has had to walk 3 miles to work every day while his Laguna sits under an ever increasing pile of snow!!!)
Never Apologise - Never Explain                     (Sorry, I should say I read that in a book somewhere!!)