I have spoken to Sharon and her Dad and the weekend of the 25th and 26th is going ahead. This has been arranged due to alot of club members saying how they missed the Callander weekends.
The Brig O turk village hall is booked for a ceilidh on the saturday night, Band is booked and There is going to be a bar at it. This will be for Charity aswell.
People are welcome to arrive on the Friday night after 7pm. There will be no off roading that weekend but Sharon has asked that if anyone would like a treasure hunt on foot or something arranged for the Saturday to email her on milton@o2email.co.uk. On the sunday there is a GRR.
Sharon also mentioned that there is a BIG BREAKFAST being served in the village hall on the saturday morning for Charity. Everyone welcome, To be honest it's not too be missed.
I personally think this will be a great weekend as Callander was always a good Sociable weekend, and it is not to be missed. I'm sure it will bring back alot of good memories for people.