Static Land Rover Display

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  • *****
  • Posts: 135
  • Name: Ross Muir
Static Land Rover Display
« on: May 24, 2010, 07:53:33 PM »
I have been asked if I can supply a static display of Land Rovers at a school fete in Rosyth on the 29th May. The fete will include the Fire Brigade, St Johns Ambulance, Police Dog Handler, bungee run, Falconry, bouncy things and go-carts for children, and needless to say a barbecue, tombola and all things that happen at a fete. The fete runs from 11am till 2pm so only three hours, bring the familly and have some fun. If anyone can help please let me know asap so I can let the organisers know. Set up will be at 10.30 on Sat morning. Entry to this event is FREE.
