Series 2a petrol starter issue

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Series 2a petrol starter issue
« on: May 11, 2020, 09:04:25 PM »
I have converted a series 2a from diesel back to petrol2. 5 l 4cyl petrol. It has a series 3 dash like a 90. It was going well but needed to replace horn arm and decided to wire in a push button as indicater / horm, arm was faulty.
In so doing I shorted it out when cutting into a wire behind dashboard. Lots of sparks!
Horn works well but won't turn starter. It also had a faulty starter switch which I replaced today along with a new starter motor as thought it had welded mechanism.
It is just the same.....
making a slight clicking noise on engaging starter but doesn't turn starter. HELP!
John Atherton



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  • Name: Daniel Bruce McPhee
Re: Series 2a petrol starter issue
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2020, 05:13:43 PM »
Could be your solenoid, see if you have 12 Volts when you try and start, also 12 volts direct from the battery.



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  • Name: Peter Williamson
Re: Series 2a petrol starter issue
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2020, 05:51:11 PM »
Yes it sounds like the solenoid has jammed. Give it a whack with a hammer and that should free it off.
If you don't have a meter, short out the terminals on the solenoid and that will get the starter spinning if there is any power. ( Lots of sparks).
Good luck.