RTV/TYRO eligability of trailered vehicles

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  • Posts: 14
  • Name: Matthew Cope
RTV/TYRO eligability of trailered vehicles
« on: January 16, 2018, 11:37:04 PM »
Evening all

I have a query or two regards competing in RTVs/TYROs.

For a number of reasons it is likely to suit me to trailer a relaively standard 90 to events (truck cab with external cage and transplant 200tdi).  I am aware that dedicated CCV cars are trailered and permitted to compete in the RTVs (class 2?) but would want to avoid competing with them!

Two specific questions.  Providing my 90 is taxed and tested can I trailer it to events and compete in 'standard' RTV class?  Secondly, if it were not taxed and tested would it therefore be ineligible for 'standard' class and run in class 2?

Not trying to be clever here. In the first event or so I may use a different 90 which would only be used for the events and I would not want to go to the expense of tax and test. Following that I would have the aforementioned truck cab ready but would still likely trailer it so that the family could come (no potential for child seat in truck cab).

Thanks for any advice, Matt



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Re: RTV/TYRO eligability of trailered vehicles
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2018, 07:19:38 PM »
hi Matt has anyone replied to you? I am going to share this on the facebook page just in case no one has