« Last post by JulianA on June 18, 2024, 05:14:48 PM »
Fantastic News!
Our next RTV event is on Saturday 22nd June at Kidlaw near Haddington. This is always an interesting site whether it be wet or dry (hopefully the latter) and it is our 5th event of the Championship.
Tickets are available from the Club website and, as always, if a couple of Marshalls could help out on the day, that would be really appreciated.
The event will be set up on Saturday morning before the event starts. We need at least 4 drivers / volunteers to turn up at 0700hrs to get the ten sections built before we start. Sunrise will be at 0426 so plenty of light for your early start 🙂.
If you have ever thought “I could have made a better section …”, then this is your ideal opportunity to do just that!
The location of the entrance to the field using What 3 Words is: trials.holidays.explained
Please remember to close the gate behind you because of the farm animals using this land as well.